Must obtain approval from the IR Department of Environmental Management, Agriculture Division, to import, possess or maintain native wildlife species or hybrids thereof. Permits will only be issued to AZA zoos, the U.S. R&W service, or other USDA-approved facilities that comply with the AWA, with particular attention to Part 3 – Standards, Part 2 Subsection E – Animal Identification and Subsection C – Research Facilities. The new rules adopted in 2010 require approval of the ownership of exotic wild animals by the IR`s Department of Environmental Management, Agriculture and Resource Marketing Division, including exotic wildlife, including hybrids of domestic cats. The breeding must be approved by the ministry. Savannah cats need permits. Bobcats are classified under the common law (RIGL 20-16-1) as a protected fur carrier in Rhode Island. There is no open hunting or fishing season for bobcats. It is illegal to possess the carcass of a bobcat, and street murders must be reported to the Fish and Wildlife Division. Class I wild animals, which include tigers and lions, may be owned by personal owners only if the animal belonged by 1 August 1980 at the latest; or no later than 27 August 2009 for pumas, panthers or cheetahs. Permits are required for the public display, sale or personal possession of Class II wildlife, which includes bobcats, servals and caracals. All generations of savannah cats are legal. Suppressors.
If you can legally own one, you can use it for hunting. Are goats legal to own pets in Philadelphia Pa? No breeding permits unless they comply with the AZA, IUCN or the State of Massachusetts or the United States and make a significant contribution to the survival and recovery of the species in the eyes of the Director of the AM. No personal property licence is issued for the purpose of possessing a pet. Permits are issued for authentic and legal educational use certified by zoological or biological officials. Commercial enterprises where the animal is related to the applicant`s main occupation or existing means of subsistence will be granted a permit. It is illegal to own savannahs, with the exception of zoos and educational institutions. Hunting bobcats is legal with permission. In 2017, Lancaster MP David Zimmerman introduced legislation to make it legal to keep them as pets, but it didn`t go anywhere.
Many states allow them, but not Pennsylvania, California, or Alaska. Must apply for an annual permit for non-pets kept in captivity. The plant must be built and approved before the permit is granted. The permit fee is $10.00 per animal, with a maximum of $100.00. The State issues an import permit and can be issued by telephone. The zoo permit is also $10.00 per animal up to a maximum of $100 and allows for the possession of non-native mammals. Applicants must be non-profit exhibitors. Canada`s bobcats and lynx are considered fur-bearing animals, and while the state allows certain furbearers to be kept as pets, it does not allow lynx and lynx as pets. Servals and savannah cats are legal.
Bobcat hunting is legal in some parts of the state. Issues permits for the educational and scientific use of wild cats. The applicant must be a university, government agency, non-profit organization or individuals involved in wildlife research. Wild cats can be imported and possessed for commercial purposes by a real zoo, circus, amusement park or movie company. In addition, bobcats or lynx can be multiplied for their fur, but you must apply for a registration certificate from the ministry. All generations of savannah cats are legal. Hunting bobcats and puma is legal. Section 3-8-1 rabies vaccine required for all canids or felidae; Applicability. Notwithstanding legal requirements to the contrary, it is illegal to possess, maintain, sell, or trade canids or felids for which there is no USDA-licensed rabies vaccine. Any person who currently owns or maintains such an animal may keep the animal for the duration of its life, provided that the animal is sterilized or neutered and registered with the Ministry of Agriculture and Industry. This article does not apply to zoological parks, circuses, colleges and universities, animal shelters or veterinary clinics approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Industry, the Ministry of Agriculture and Industry, counties or municipalities, animal shelters or clinics approved by the Ministry of Conservation and Natural Resources. No one may possess a dangerous animal defined as including a lion, tiger, leopard, ocelot, jaguar, cheetah, margay, mountain lion, lynx, bobcat or jaguarundi, except in a properly maintained zoological park, a state-licensed exhibition, a circus, a scientific or educational institution, a research laboratory, a veterinary clinic, dog or animal shelter.
Illinois resumed hunting and trapping bobcats during the 2016-2017 season. There are a few counties in Illinois where it is prohibited.