Episode Forum Share your thoughts >> go Episode Video Preview `Desperately Seeking Shirley` Preview `Desperately Seeking Shirley` (:30) Boston Illegal Radio Live Big mp3 Special Guest Co-host Georgia Murray, the nightclub singer of this episode. Part 1 of 2 mp3 [74 min; 26mb] Part 2 of 2 mp3 [58 min; 20mb] Live Big Show Notes Trek in the Courtroom Show Notes [pdf] Listen or subscribe via Yahoo Podcasts Listen to mp3 with streaming or subscribe via an Odeo iTunes subscription Download the free iTunes app Listen on your mobile A senior partner at Crane, Poole & Schmidt, Carl left the New York office to help Shirley manage the Boston office after Paul Lewiston retired from a leadership role to focus on raising his granddaughter. At first, he couldn`t accept the reckless behavior of the Boston office and thought of returning to New York. However, he found his feet in the Boston office and became a mentor to the staff, especially Katie Lloyd, Clarence Bell and Jerry Espenson. It is also part of the sometimes surreal legal activities of the Litigation Division, including bringing a lawsuit against television channels in which the plaintiffs demanded that they broadcast programs for people with functional brains. Carl is an old Shirley flame and proposes to her in “Thanksgiving.” Shirley and Carl are married in a civil ceremony by Antonin Scalia, a Supreme Court justice, in Nimmo Bay in the series finale. Episode News Ratings [101 by Nielsen] A big thank you to SueB and TopDog for collecting and publishing reviews of this site. October 3, 2006 “Desperately Seeking Shirley” 10.59 million Spectators, 2.9 18-49; Increase compared to the previous week in the total number of viewers (10.6 million versus 9.9 million) and adults aged 18 to 49 (2.9/8 vs. 2.8/8). ABC`s legal department delivered a record-breaking season for men aged 18 to 34 (2.0/6), the best delivery of the series in the demo in nearly 8 months – since 2.7.06. Lead-in: Help Me Help You 10.08 million viewers, 3.0 18-49. Garrett Wells was introduced in the premiere of the second season as a cheeky young lawyer who is obviously attracted to Denise. He goes over her head with some clients, but helps her by blackmailing her ex-husband`s lawyer/pastor to get her to abstain from her requests for money.
He is not as effective in the courtroom and has been humiliated more than once by sober judges. He is also intimidated by Catherine Piper, Alan Shore`s caterer and former assistant, who actually drives him out of his own office. We will not see him again after the end of season 2. It is not clear if he is still with the company or if he was fired by the partners without any explanation. During the second season, he begins a relationship with a paralegal and initially shames the company for his misaligned sexual encounters. Paul Lewiston is managing partner in the Boston office and counsel to Crane, Poole & Schmidt. Paul is experienced in client relations and an expert in Far Eastern markets and the legal issues of companies operating in this part of the world. Unlike Denny and Alan, Paul usually does things strictly “according to the book.” He had several antagonistic arguments with Denny and Alan over their apparent lack of respect for the law. Her middle-aged daughter, Rachel, is introduced as a methamphetamine addict in Season 2, and Paul has her kidnapped and taken to a rehab center.
Kelley. The series, starring James Spader, Candice Bergen and William Shatner, was produced for ABC in collaboration with 20th Century Fox Television. Boston Legal was released from October 3, 2004 to December 8, 2008. The series is a spin-off of the Kelley The Practice series and stars actors such as Spader, Rhona Mitra, Lake Bell and Shatner. He is located in the law firm Crane, Poole & Schmidt. Tara Wilson first acted as a paralegal at Young, Frutt & Berlutti. Tara was fired from the company after informing Alan of her impending dismissal and is hired to work at Crane, Poole & Schmidt, the company that represents Alan`s civil case. She then became a lawyer. Tara and Alan eventually began sex after his breakup with Sally Heep, although their relationship had a rough time when he hired a group of men to attack a man he had already fought with. When Tara reconnects with one of her ex-boyfriends, the two separate and she quickly resigns from Crane, Poole & Schmidt.