Unmarked birds: If the birds are not marked as noted above, the only legal place of storage is the personal residence of the hunter who legally took and owns the birds. Marking requirement: A hunter who legally takes and possesses migratory wild birds and wishes to give or leave the birds in the care of another person for harvesting, cleaning, processing, shipping, transportation or storage (including temporary storage) must sign and affix a label to the birds indicating the hunter`s address, the total number and species of birds. and the date on which these birds were killed. No person shall collect or keep migratory wild birds from another person unless the birds are marked as provided above. Migratory birds may only be caught in accordance with the opening seasons, legal shooting times, and daily catch and possession restrictions. For the purposes of this Part, possession of legally caught birds properly labelled by a hunter is deemed to have ceased when those birds have been released by the hunter: Despite our best efforts, we suspect that some of Barrow`s golden carnations may be accidentally shot. In these cases, hunters are required to report to their local game warden and hand over to the MDIFW any person caught during the legal waterfowl hunt. There is no penalty for reporting them. Any person may transport without authorization legally killed and possessed migratory birds to, within or outside a State, or export such birds to a foreign country during and after the hunting season in the State where they were caught, subject to the following conditions and restrictions: Aid and equipment: It is permitted to hunt migratory game with dogs, artificial decoys, manual or oral bird calls, hand arrows and arrows, crossbows, falconry or with a shotgun not exceeding No. 10 and unable to contain more than three shells fired from the shoulder. Any other method is illegal. Violation of state regulations on migratory birds is also a violation of federal regulations.
Recognizable condition: When these birds are clothed, a fully feathered wing must remain attached to each bird to allow identification of the species during transport between the site where they were captured and the owner`s personal residence or a commercial conservation facility. All dates are included, except that hunting on Sundays is prohibited. * Crows are neither migratory waterfowl nor migratory wild birds. The use of lead shot and the use of a shotgun capable of holding more than three grenades are permitted. A patch on stray waterfowl is not required. The use of electronic calls is permitted. If you want to hunt woodcock, duck, goose, snipe, rail or coot, you must indicate on your licence that you intend to do so when you purchase your licence. The information is provided by the United States.
Fish & Wildlife Service as part of the Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program (H.I.P.). For more information, visit the Maine Migratory Bird Harvest Information Program. F. By using or aiding live decoys. All live, tamed or captive ducks and geese are removed for a period of 10 consecutive days prior to hunting and locked in a pen that significantly reduces the audibility of their calls and completely hides these tame birds from migratory waterfowl. One. In possession of shot (either in shotgun cartridges or in bulk for muzzle-loading launchers), it is not steel shot or is approved as non-toxic when ingested by anatidae (ducks, geese and barnacles), coots and all species that form aggregate bag boundaries during simultaneous seasons. The use or possession of ammunition loaded with non-toxic flour is prohibited when hunting wild ducks, geese, geese, rails or coots.
Non-toxic shot is any type of shot that does not cause illness or death when ingested by these birds and is approved for use by the Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Steel, wismutztin, iron tungsten, nickel tungsten, copper plated iron, corrosion-inhibited copper, tungsten bronze, tungsten-iron-copper-nickel, tungsten Ma-Trix, tungsten polymer, tungsten-tin-iron, tungsten-tin-bismuth, tungsten-tin-iron-nickel and tungsten-iron-polymer frame have been approved as non-toxic by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. For more information, see the USFWS website at Non-Toxic Shot: fws.gov. J. A person must also keep the bird in his or her actual custody at or between the place where it was captured and: (a) his vehicle or principal means of transportation; or (b) their personal residence or temporary or temporary residence. ** Woodcock and snipe are considered migratory wild birds and not migratory waterfowl. The use of lead is permitted. The use of a shotgun capable of holding more than three grenades is prohibited. A patch on stray waterfowl is not required. In addition, Maine state law states that a person may not waste a wild bird injured or killed by that person during hunting or intentionally leave animals injured or killed in the field or forest without making reasonable efforts to retrieve them and make them available for consumption or use.