Are Pet Foxes Legal in Mississippi

To put it simply, foxes are legal in Mississippi. However, depending on who you are using, it can be very difficult to get a permit. They`ve been stricter on licensing lately, telling most people it`s illegal. You should almost certainly have a USDA license. Some people have reported that officials say only the Silvers, Fennecs, Pales and Arctic are allowed. Delaware state law requires permits for most wild mammals and hybrids. Pets that do not need a permit include chinchillas, hedgehogs, ferrets, opossums, rabbits, sugar gliders, etc. Many lizards are allowed, including anoles, water dragons, basilisks, bearded dragons, chameleons, geckos, iguanas, etc. Non-native venomous snakes are illegal to possess. Latvia, Hungary and Romania: YES, allow you to catch wild foxes and raise/sell them as pets (although not recommended).

All non-endangered species are legal and the purchase of fur farms is also legal. UK, Scotland: YES, allow you to keep, breed and sell tame foxes bred in captivity as pets. The possession, breeding or sale of captured or orphaned wild foxes is not legal, and injured or orphaned wild foxes must be handed over to a wild animal rehabilitator and released as soon as they are able to survive on their own. Germany: YES, you need a license to have a fox, but otherwise all non-endangered species are legal. The license is easy to obtain. Finland: YES, all species are legal, but the fox must come from a European breeder with documents to prove it. It is illegal to import a fox from other continents. Ireland: No, all species of foxes are illegal, whether or not they come from a fox breeder.

The fox vaccine is not recognized there, which is why it is illegal to breed and possess them in the country. Norway: YES, importing a fox as a pet is legal, but you must send an individual request to the Norwegian Nature Management Directory at THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: PB 5672 Sluppen 7485 Trondheim, Norway. You can also submit your application by e-mail: Italy: NO, all foxes, with the exception of Russian domesticated foxes (from Novosibirsk, Russia, with documents proving that they come from there), are illegal. Denmark and the Netherlands: YES, all fox species, including native species, are legal without the need for a license. Import is also allowed. France and Belgium: YES, you will need a Certificate of Capacity (CDC) to be in legal possession of a fox for personal use or for the rehabilitation/release of wild foxes. Turkey: YES, all non-threatened fox species, including native species, are legal without the need for a license. Austria, Holland and Poland: YES, Fennec foxes, Arctic foxes and non-native red foxes are legal without the need for a license.

(h) the cultivation of unreleased birds, including endangered and endangered species, approved by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, which are proven to be a captive breeding product or which were lawfully conserved prior to the approval of DIRECTIVE 321 CMR 2.12 and which are members of the following taxonomic groups: Ciconiiformes (e.g., flamingo), Anseriformes (e.g., ducks, geese, swans), Galliformes (e.g., pheasant, quail, capercaillie), Gruiformes (e.g., cranes, coots), Columbiformes (e.g., pigeons, pigeons), Psittaciformes (e.g., parrots), Piciformes (e.g., toucans), Passeriformes (e.g., songbirds). The above does not apply to wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) or the following potential pest species: pink starling (Sturnus roseus), red-billed douch, including black-fronted and Sudanese bulbul (Quelea quelea) and red-whiskered bulbul (Pycnonotus jocosus). 15.1.2 Notwithstanding paragraph 15.1.1 of this Article, native wildlife species may be possessed, imported, sold or offered for sale for commercial purposes without the permission of the Director if there are written documents confirming that such wild animals have been lawfully admitted and transported from another State. Nevada has some of the most lax wildlife laws. You can own primates, elephants, camels, wolves, ostriches, alpacas, zebras, undomesticated cats and many other animals without permission or license. Prohibited animals include alligators, crocodiles, raccoons, bats, coyotes, moose, venomous snakes and foxes. All animals, with the exception of animals intended for slaughter, require a veterinary inspection certificate for importation. Exotic livestock: Deer have special restrictions (see above) and those who are allowed to import 6 months or more will need brucellosis and tuberculosis testing within 30 days.

American and European bison and exotic cattle are regulated in the same way as domestic cattle, and exotic horses are regulated in the same way as domestic horses. BANS import of wild boars and wild boars. Unlisted exotic farm animals or ungulates, including camelids, exotic cattle and cervids, require an entry permit and official labelling as well as the listed testing requirements. Primates: All naturally hazardous species must have a permit required.