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Cadre Legal Foyer De Vie

The Maisons de la Vie welcome people who do not have sufficient working capacity, but who still have sufficient physical and mental autonomy that does not justify their admission to a specialized reception center (MAS). Some of them take in disabled people who were previously workers of the institution and the Service d`Aide par le Travail (ESAT), but whose advanced age and the resulting physical problems no longer allow them to be kept there. Professional house or house of life, nursing home, escort service. Only when you have received a©positive response from the CDAPH can you apply directly for admission to a home of life. The list of these structures can be found in your town hall. As a rule, residential or professional homes are open all year round. Some offer child care. The nursing home may offer temporary, day or residential care. Residents of a professional home enjoy sufficient autonomy to participate in daily activities and participate in social animation. Residential homes or professional homes implement medico-social support aimed at developing the autonomy of residents, at least to prevent any form of regression by carrying out various daily activities (playful, creative or educational).

The daily activities offered are adapted to the abilities of the residents. These can be manual activities such as painting, sculpture or modeling, gymnastics, dance, body expression or occupational therapy activities. These activities can take place inside and outside the establishment. Similarly, the Prefecture of Cantal approved the conversion of 12 places in the accommodation and activity centre into 12 places in a double-cost inn by decree of 15 December 1993, after the C.R.O.S.S. Auvergne delivered a favourable opinion at its meeting of 15 November 1993. An agreement signed with CRAM Auvergne on 10 January 1995 sets out the operating procedures. The double-priced house has been considered a nursing home since 2004. As these homes are not medicalized, medical follow-up, rehabilitation, medical and paramedical services are carried out when necessary by external independent professionals, remunerated on a paid basis and freely chosen by each resident and his family. However, it turns out that about 9% of the workforce is made up of medical, paramedical or psychological professionals (especially caregivers).

Prices vary within the Bruyères centre depending on the service. In fact, some fall under the exclusive competence of the department: this is the case of the professional house part, the escort service and the accommodation part of the retirement home. The General Council has the power to accept or reject estimates of expenditure. Others are subject to a mixed jurisdiction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: this is the case for the former double-cost retirement home since Circular No. 86-6 of 14 February 1986 (establishment of an experimental accommodation programme for severely disabled adults). The two pricing authorities determine the financing of the different services: what corresponds to care (medical and paramedical expenses) and what corresponds to accommodation. Pricing is therefore carried out in 2 stages: on the one hand, the pricing of services eligible for reimbursement to the insured is determined by the Prefect after consultation with the President of the General Council. For the purposes of this Decision, the General Council shall fix the prices of other services, in particular accommodation. Both types of institutions are subject to the legislation on social and medico-social facilities. They have the particularity of welcoming adults whose disability does not allow or no longer allows the exercise of a professional activity, even in a protected environment (ESAT). These homes implement medico-social support adapted to the condition of the people, who are welcomed by particularly daily activities (for example fun activities, educational activities …) and social animations.

In fact, they are intermediate structures between shelters (FH) on the one hand and nursing homes (FAM) and specialized shelters (MAS) on the other hand. Retirement homes are intermediate structures between the professional home and specialized protection. Retirement homes are officially recognized social institutions since Act 2002-2 of 2 January 2002 on the renovation of social and medico-social measures (art. L 312-1 I 7 of the CASF). These structures are intended to accommodate people who are unfit for a professional activity and who need support for most of the essential actions of daily life as well as medicalization, but without justifying full coverage by health insurance. The admission of a disabled person, regardless of age, to the FAM is done by deciding on the orientation of the C.D.A.P.H. These facilities are designed to care for full-time residents, but for a limited number of spaces, they can practice either permanent daycare or temporary admission. The Centre les Bruyères falls within the scope of Law 2002-2, since Article 15 provides that “social and medico-social institutions and services within the meaning of this Code are the following establishments and services, with or without legal personality: “….. 7 ° Facilities and services, including retirement homes, which welcome adults with disabilities, regardless of their degree of disability or age, or persons with chronic diseases, which provide them with home help in their daily life, care or support for social integration, or which provide them with medico-social support in an open environment.