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Call Legal Super

legalsuper may impose rules, restrictions, and restrictions on the payment of viewing fees from members` accounts (for example, a minimum account balance). Without restricting legalsuper`s rights to cancel registration in accordance with paragraph 5, legalsuper may apply the following rules if legalsuper becomes aware of a change in financial advisor and/or merchant group/licensee in relation to a financial advisor: If you are unsure of what is best for you, you should seek financial advice. You should compare the benefits, investment performance and costs of different super funds before making a decision. If you have a hearing loss or need an interpreter, please call us between 8am and 8pm and request an interview with an interpreter. You can read legalsuper`s privacy policy here or call 1800 060 312 for a copy. legalsuper is currently unable to accept remittances from the UK as the UK`s requirements that affect Australian pension funds have recently changed. At legalsuper, we encourage our members to seek advice from qualified professional financial advisors. We are committed to acting in the best interests of our members and believe that simply managing their clients` accounts for advisors is one of the ways we can help members achieve their financial goals. Super is a long-term investment for your retirement, so you usually can`t access it until you`ve reached your retention age. However, there are certain special circumstances in which you may have the right to access your retention age very early or before reaching your storage age. If you make a request regarding your legalsuper member account, the more information you provide by completing this form, the sooner we will be able to verify your identity and respond to your request.

Your support age is the legal minimum age at which your super must be “maintained”. Your storage age is currently between 55 and 60 years old, depending on the date of your birth. legalsuper requires the following before making any further payments for consulting fees: Without limiting legalsuper`s rights to cancel registration in accordance with paragraph 5, legalsuper may cancel your registration if you do not provide the requested information to the satisfaction of legalsuper. This list is not exhaustive and legalsuper may cancel your registration at any time and without notice for any reason and without giving reasons. The participation of financial advisors in this program is at the discretion of legalsuper. Australian Business Numbers (ABN) legalsuper: 60 346 078 879 Legal Super Pty Ltd (Trustee of legalsuper): 37 004 455 789 A member may withdraw or revoke a request for advice fees at any time by notifying legalsuper. About receiving and processing a withdrawal or revocation: Super is a long-term investment designed by the government to pay for your retirement. It has established rules on when it is possible to access it, which are generally the same for all super funds. If you are 60 years of age or older, you can withdraw your Super tax-free. If you`re under 60, you may have to pay taxes, depending on the components of your Super.

At legalsuper, we offer a personalized service to all our members and are always there if you need us for any reason. If you need support, a helping hand is waiting for you. By law, legalsuper must pay the ATO for a temporary residence that has left Australia (and whose visa has not expired or has been cancelled) if it is not applied for within six months of departure. Upon request, legalsuper will provide a non-resident with an exit declaration. Visit for more information. legalsuper is required to perform the sole objective criterion required by the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 with respect to all payments from the Fund, including the payment of advisory fees. As soon as we have registered you as a consultant with us, we will send you a link and your legalsuper consultant number. You can then create an account for Adviser Online to access your clients` account details. (See advisor`s online terms and conditions) You can reach us at: Phone: 1800 060 312 E-Mail: Write to us at: GPO BOX 5081, Parramatta NSW 2124 legalsuper will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that the information displayed in Adviser Online is error-free and that corrections are made promptly. legalsuper will take all reasonable precautions to protect the confidentiality of information stored in Adviser Online.

Contact Details: Post (super): Locked Bag 5081, Parramatta NSW 2124 Post (pension): Locked Bag 5042, Parramatta NSW 2124 legalsuper relies on the cooperation of financial advisors to ensure that legalsuper does not violate the single-use test. This is crucial for legalsuper, as any violation of the single-use test can jeopardize legalsuper`s CSR license. As part of the review for exclusive purposes, legalsuper may use the Fund`s funds solely for the purpose of providing benefits to retired members or in other limited permitted circumstances, including the payment of death benefits, full and permanent disability benefits or the maintenance of salary insurance benefits. legalsuper may use funds from the Fund to support certain services to members in accordance with the single purpose criterion, such as financial advice on the benefits of a member of the Fund, including; Membership in the fund, consolidation in the fund, investments, contributions, insurance, designation of the beneficiary and pension plans in the fund. When you retire, you can take your super as a lump sum. You don`t need to take everything at once, you can decide to leave it in Super and remove it a little at a time as you need. Our national customer service team is on hand to meet you in person and give you general advice. You can make an appointment here: You will be automatically registered as an advisor if you successfully apply for third-party authorization on a legalsuper member account. You can do this by submitting our Third Party Authority Form (below) or your own Third Party Form.

Both forms can be emailed to us at Free Call in Australia. You can call us Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Eastern Australian Standard Time (AEST). For international applications, call +61 3 9067 2616. legalsuper also reserves discretion in individual cases: this includes, but is not limited to, the fund`s administrative service provider, insurer, auditor and legal advisor. legalsuper may also be required by law to disclose information about you, for example to government agencies such as AUSTRAC, and legalsuper may share information with relevant foreign entities in various countries, as described in legalsuper`s Privacy Policy. The “Choice of Funds” form contains all the details your employer needs to transfer your Super to your legalsuper account. Fill them out and send them back to your employer, along with the compliance letter confirming that legalsuper is a super compliant fund. LegalSuper will cancel your registration if (for example): a. you have contacted us to order the cancellation; b. you are no longer in possession of a current AFSL/ASIC record; or c.

legalsuper has reasonable grounds to suspect that any use is fraudulent or not in accordance with the Terms and Conditions, or that there are other sufficient security reasons to require termination. legalsuper will pay a consulting fee (initial/one-time or ongoing) in respect of a member of the dealer/licensee group until legalsuper becomes aware that the financial advisor has changed the dealer/licensee group. If these requirements are changed, legalsuper may be able to resume acceptance of transfers from the UK in the future. There is a limit to the amount of money that can be held in an account-based pension. This is called the transfer balance sheet cap and it currently stands at $1.6 million. Details of this and other changes to Super can be found on the Australian Tax Office (ATO) website. Legal Super Pty Ltd ABN 37 004 455 789 is the trustee of legalsuper and holds the Australian Financial Services Licence No 246315 under the Companies Act 2001. Legal Super Pty Ltd is authorised to trade and advise pension products in legalsuper.

Once you have reached the age of the retention and release conditions, you can choose to receive your Super as follows: If the merchant group/licensee does not provide legalsuper with an “Agreement on the Payment of Consulting Fees and Receipt of Tax Invoice(s)” (RCTI) prepared by the beneficiary within six months of the first deduction of the consulting fees from a member`s account legalsuper, The consultation fees deducted will be refunded to the legalsuper member. You need to convert your assets into cash. Assets cannot be transferred in cash to legalsuper. Do you prefer pen and paper? No problem. Download the “Rolling Initiation Request” form below and fill it out and email it or send it to us. We love feedback, good or bad, and we are committed to solving all your problems.