To cover disability and life insurance, employers receive a percentage of 1.75% (one point seventy-five percent) and employees 0.625% (zero points six hundred and twenty-five percent) of the basic contribution salary. A note on “employees” and “independent contractors”. Most employees are considered employees under district law and are therefore entitled to district minimum wage protection. However, questions may arise as to whether an employee is an employee (who is entitled to county minimum wage protection) or an “independent contractor” (who is not entitled to this protection). In determining whether an employee is an employee or an independent contractor, district courts and regulators consider the following factors. When these factors are present, an employee is considered an employee rather than an independent contractor. The minimum of a wage or wage is not seizable, with the exception of maintenance obligations in the manner established by law. The instruments of workers` work are also unassailable. So if Greta received less than $101.50 in tips, she didn`t receive all the wages she is entitled to under county law. $30.40 ($15.20 per hour – the minimum wage – for 2 hours overtime to cover the entire 4-hour wage) VI.
Deductions, rebates, deductions or garnishments of wages may be made only in the cases provided for by law; Once the actual wage factor has been established, it remains fixed until the completion of the contractual work, including the agreements concluded, and must take into account the adjustments to the benefits set by the NSSO for this purpose and give them treatment similar to a cost adjustment. If your employer is a contractor for the District of Columbia, you may be eligible for a higher minimum wage, called “living wage.” DC Code, section 2-220.03 $40 ($20 per hour – Alex`s regular salary – for the 2 hours of actual work), plus VI. The minimum wage that workers should enjoy will be general or professional. The first applies in the geographical areas to be determined; The latter are used in certain sectors of the economy or in professions, professions or special activities. The general minimum wage should be sufficient to meet the normal needs of a head of household in the material, social and cultural order and to ensure that children are required to attend school. The minimum wages of professionals are determined taking into account the conditions of the different economic activities. Minimum wages are set by a national commission composed of representatives of workers, employers and the Government, which may be assisted by special advisory commissions which it deems essential for the better performance of its tasks. IV. Salaries shall be fixed in the corresponding budgets without their amount being reduced during the period of validity. Under no circumstances may wages be lower than the minimum for workers in general in the Federal District and in the entities of the Republic; Article 63.- Equal work under identical conditions always corresponds to the same salary, regardless of the persons who perform it, without distinction as to sex, nationality, age, race, social class, political or religious ideas. No one may be compelled to perform personal work without adequate remuneration and without his full consent, with the exception of work punished by the judicial authority which complies with the provisions of Article 123(I) and (II). The State guarantees the right to timely payment and regular adjustment of statutory pensions.
The law determines in each State which professions require a diploma for its exercise, the conditions that must be met to receive it and the authorities that must issue it. Saw. Pantry in kind or in cash, as long as their amount does not exceed forty percent of the general daily minimum wage applicable in the Federal District. XXIII. Workers` claims on wages or salaries accumulated in the past year and on compensation take precedence over others in the event of bankruptcy or bankruptcy; Article 91.- Every worker has the right to a wage sufficient to live in dignity and to provide for the basic material, social and intellectual needs of himself and his family. The payment of equal pay for equal work is guaranteed and the participation that must correspond to the employees for the benefit of the company is determined. The salary is not seizable and is paid regularly and on time in legal tender, with the exception of the maintenance obligation, in accordance with the law. In the case of the wage per unit of work, and in general, if the remuneration is variable, the average of the perceptions actually worked in the thirty before the birth of the right is considered as the daily wage. If there has been a salary increase during this period, the average of the perceptions received by the employee from the time of the increase is taken as a basis. In 1963, the LSSl was introduced, which covers the safety of the worker and his relatives.
Which are covered between the State, the employee and the employer, it is the latter contribution that must be included in the wage costs. Fraction I of the NSSO stipulates that for each insured person, the employer pays a monthly daily allowance of 20.40% (twenty points forty percent) of a general daily minimum wage of the Federal District.