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Free Family Law Legal Advice California

The videos are the beginning of an educational library available to help self-representative parties address the issues that often arise in family law. The first library consists of videos on the following topics: tips for finding the right lawyer, what questions to ask when hiring a lawyer and how to prevent fraud can be found in our free legal information. FreeLegalAnswers California-based Free Legal Answers platform is a virtual legal counsel clinic that answers questions from low-income Californians about a variety of employment, housing, and family issues caused by COVID-19 and the recent California wildfires. Child support payments in California are overseen by the state`s Department of Child Support Services, with most operations handled by local offices. If you need help opening a file, filling support orders, or locating the other parent, contact your local office. They often offer free services and can help you solve problems without going to court. Legal Services and Legal Aid Programs Throughout is a comprehensive website to help you find a legal aid or legal advice program in your area for your specific legal issue. The website also provides legal information and is available in seven languages (English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Filipino (Tagalog) and Russian). California`s divorce laws are by no means simple and easy to understand. Even lawyers have a hard time understanding the rules that must be followed and the method of madness of California divorce courts. That`s where we come in – if you talk to a professional who has years of experience dealing with family law issues in California, you can be sure that your rights will be protected! Whether you`re expecting a controversial divorce on issues such as asset allocation, alimony, custody, or child support, you can be sure you`re in the right place. Thousands of people turn to us every month to provide you with the California family law help you need. Meetings for both are often ordered by the court, but they are accessible to anyone interested.

If you need help finding an educator or education counsellor in your area, contact your superior court`s self-help centre or a family law mediator. Bar associations across the state also offer a variety of services to help the public. Many regional bar associations offer referral and information services for licensed lawyers. These programs often offer up to 30 minutes of free consultation with a lawyer if you are deported. Some bar associations also offer legal services programs in their community and/or incubator programs that allow the public to have new lawyers. Below are several regional bar associations in California. You can also view a full directory of California bar associations here. It`s never been easier to get the help you need in California family law. The laws that will affect you and your families for the rest of your life are hard to understand unless you have competent lawyers fighting for you. You deserve to have the facts and a proven professional by your side. Talking to one of our local family law lawyers is easy as we offer 100% free consultations! Time is not on your side, it`s important to act quickly – you and your family deserve the California family legal assistance that only our team can provide.