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Free Legal Advice Niagara Region

NLS addresses the civil rights needs of low-income and disabled people in upstate New York. We offer services in Erie, Niagara, Orleans, Wyoming and Genesee counties. Pro Bono Law Ontario is a not-for-profit organization that promotes access to justice in Ontario by creating opportunities for lawyers to provide pro bono (free) legal services to low-income individuals and not-for-profit organizations. The organization`s main goal is to help low-income people with civil (non-family) legal issues that are not covered by Legal Aid Ontario. Pro Bono offers a free legal helpline for up to 30 minutes of legal advice and support. The toll-free number is 1-855-255-7256. For more information, see Since the Court must remain impartial in any case before it, the Supreme Court cannot provide legal advice; However, we are happy to refer you to resources available on other websites. The links below provide information to help you find a lawyer or paralegal to help you with your case, as well as general information about the court system and various legal issues. Legal Aid Ontario provides a range of legal services to low-income people.

Please visit the Legal Aid website to find out if you qualify for legal aid and to find out what types of help legal aid offers. The Law Society of Ontario (LSO) is the professional body that regulates lawyers and paralegals in Ontario. The Law Society Referral Service connects lawyers and paralegals with people seeking support in legal matters. This service is available by phone or by completing an online application form. We provide free legal advice to low-income residents of the Niagara Region. Our services are offered free of charge to clients who qualify financially. If we are unable to help you, we will try to refer you to someone who can. For assistance in other areas of law, please visit our Legal Information section. Visit our legal aid directory to find legal help, or chat with a LiveHelp representative to help you navigate the site. Your Legal Rights is a website created by CLEO that provides legal information to the people of Ontario. The website provides information on various legal services in Ontario, as well as information and advice on a variety of legal topics, including: We provide lawyers to represent you before government agencies and courts in jurisdictions practiced by the clinic if you are a low-income resident of the Niagara region.

We cannot help you with criminal, family, civil, provincial, real estate or immigration law. We do not issue legal aid certificates. Community Legal Education Ontario (CLEO) is a not-for-profit organization funded by Legal Aid Ontario, the Ministry of Justice and the Law Foundation of Ontario that develops and distributes legal information. CLEO offers resources and publications on a variety of topics, many of which are available in other languages. If you need help with a criminal or family matter, please call Legal Aid Ontario at 1-800-668-8258 Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST) for help or to visit NLS provides legal information to pro bono lawyers, legal counsel, community organizations and clients.

This information and other valuable information links can be found on our website at WWW. NLS.ORG. We offer free legal advice by phone, by appointment or without appointment in the areas of law listed above. There are no financial eligibility restrictions when a summary consultation is requested. Certified Specialist Program Family Law: Child custody and support Family law: spousal and property support 15 Burgar Street, Suite 100, Welland (L3B2S6) Instructions for use LawFacts is a website developed by Legal Aid Ontario that provides information in the area of criminal law. NLS is a warm referral partner of the Victims of Crime Legal Network. We cannot guarantee that NLS or other friendly partner organizations will be able to represent you, but they will help you find resources to use. 225 Old Falls Street 3rd Floor Niagara Falls, NY 14303 USA If you call NLS, mention that you are calling through the Crime Victims Legal Help Network to help admissions staff better direct your appeal. We do not practice in all areas of law. If we are unable to assist you, we may be able to refer you to someone who can. NEW CLINIC HOURS OF OPERATION – Effective September 6, 2022 The Canadian Judicial Council has a Public Resource Centre that covers the following topics: The areas of law practiced by the clinic are determined and reviewed annually by the clinic`s board of directors based on the identified needs of each community served. The Ministry of the Attorney General provides a general overview of Ontario`s judicial structure, explaining the function and authority of the function and authority of Ontario`s various courts.