BiH Politika

HSS reagirao zbog imenovanja stranačkog Zubaka u “nestranačku” ekspertnu skupinu



Hrvatska seljačka stranka neugodno je iznenađena objavom spiska članova „ekspertnog tima“ američkog veleposlanstva u BiH koji će zajedno s Nj.E. Patrickom Moonom raditi na izradi prijedloga reforme Ustava FBiH.


Naime, među uglednim imenima istinskih eksperata i vrsnih stručnjaka našlo se i ime Krešimira Zubaka, predsjednika Glavnog odbora jedne minorne političke stranke.

G. Zubak, visoki je stranački dužnosnik i aktivni sudionik političkog života u BiH, te nas stoga čudi kako je veleposlanstvo SAD u BiH odlučilo pored niza nestranačkih osoba angažirati i jednu izrazito stranačku osobu iako to možemo pripisati minornosti rečene stranke te želimo vjerovati kako NJ.E. uistinu nije imao saznanja o trenutačnom političkom angažmanu dotičnog gospodina.

Nadalje, Krešimir Zubak aktivni je sudionik Washingtonskog sporazuma i kasnijih promjena Ustava FBiH i izbornog zakona, te je samim tim i koautor problematičnog Ustava FBIH kojeg veleposlanstvo SAD želi promijeniti.

Nije nam jasno kako je osoba koja je značajno odgovorna za ovakav Ustav, isključivo odgovorna za neravnopravan položaj BiH Hrvata odjednom dio „ekspertnog tima“ za njegovu izmjenu!?

Naravno, Hrvatska seljačka stranka se ne želi miješati u izbor eksperata koji će raditi na ovom važnom pitanju, ali ovim putem izražavamo ozbiljnu zabrinutost za nepristranost i političku neobojenost po ovom pitanju.

Apeliramo stoga da NJ.E. zahvali g. Zubaku na suradnji i ukloni ga iz „ekspertnog

tima“ ili angažira eksperte i iz ostalih političkih stranaka.

U smislu angažiranja eksperata iz političkih stranaka, HSS nudi NJ.E. suradnju na način da tim HSS-a, zadužen za prijedloge reformi Ustava i F BiH i BiH prezentira svoje prijedloge reformi, na hrvatskom ili engleskom jeziku, po želji NJ.E.

U smislu angažiranja politički neovisnih članova ekspertnog tima HSS također ima svoje prijedloge za imenovanje eksperata, a koji uistinu nisu članovi ni jedne stranke.

Nadamo se kako će te uvažiti naše dobronamjerne sugestije, jer one su interes i samog veleposlanstva ukoliko mu je želja da plod njihovog rada i truda dobije potporu hrvatskog političkog korpusa u BiH te da konačno iznađemo rješenje kojim bi naša Domovina postala funkcionalna i kojim bi bili zadovoljni i Hrvati i Bošnjaci i Srbi a i ostali te kako bi svi imali svoje legitimne predstavnike u zakonodavnim tijelima.

Predsjednik Hrvatske seljačke stranke

Mario Karamatić



Dear Sir/Madam,

The Croatian Peasant Party is dismayed and concerned after the revelation of the composition of the United States Embassy to Bosnia and Herzegovina Expert Working Group, which has been tasked with producing a draft on constitutional reform for the Federation, under the patronage of H.E. Patrick Moon.

Namely, alongside respected non-political figures, legal and constitutional experts, we note the presence of Mr. Krešimir Zubak, who is currently the Chairman of the Main Committee of a minor, but active political party. Mr. Zubak is a high ranking political figure, who actively participates and shapes the political landscape in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is because of his current role and influence in the political life, that we were surprised to see him included as a part of what was intended to be a non-political, expert group, and we would like to believe that H.E. Patrick Moon, was not aware of Mr. Zubak’s current political role and duties.

In addition to this potential conflict of interest, we cannot overlook the fact that Mr. Zubak was an active participant in the process which created the Washington Agreement and the subsequent constitutional reforms and amendments, which effectively makes him the co-author of the complex and problematic constitution that he has now been tasked with reforming. It does not seem logical to expect that one of the creators of the current problematic constitution and the person responsible for the inequality of the Croatian people in the Federation, will play an active and productive part in dismantling it?

Certainly, the Croatian Peasant Party does not intend to interfere or to influence the selection process for the Expert Working Group, but we would like to take this opportunity to express our concerns regarding potential conflicts of interests and ideological biases, which may impact the impartiality of the findings of the group.

We therefore call upon H.E. Patrick Moon, to reevaluate the decision to make Mr. Zubak a part of the Expert Working Group, and to have him replaced by a non-political figure, or alternatively include experts from other political parties in the process. If experts from political parties are going to be included in the reform process, the Croatian Peasant Party is ready to participate, through it’s own expert group, which has been tasked with producing proposals for the constitutional reform of both the Federation and Bosnia and Herzegovina, with copies in both Croatian and English. Alternatively, the Croatian Peasant Party stands ready to nominate highly qualified experts, true independents who are not members of any political party or process.

We hope that our constructive suggestions will be heard and addressed, as we believe that it is in the full interest of the U.S. Embassy to gain the full and broad support of the Croatian people and their representatives, for the intended constitutional reforms and all other initiatives, so that we may finally find a solution that will deliver a functional state, to the satisfaction of Croats, Bosniacs, Serbs and all the citizens, with their legitimate representitaves in the legislative and executive bodies.


Yours Sincerely,

The Croatian Peasant Party Chairman,

Mario Karamatić

Sarajevo, 27th January, 2013.