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Is Father in Law Non Mahram

Mahram is derived from the Arabic word “Haraam”, which means something forbidden or holy. According to Islamic law, for a woman, Mahram is someone she is not allowed to marry (non-marriageable parents) and can see her without a headscarf and hug her or shake her hand. Allah SWT has asked women to cover their heads with a veil and keep a healthy distance from everyone except their mahrams, so it is mandatory for a woman, when she goes to Saudi Arabia for Hajj or Umrah, to have a mahram by her side when she performs the pilgrimage. If you have any questions about who your mahram is and who is not, we recommend that you speak to an Islamic scholar and dispel your doubts. An interrogator asks permission to shake hands with his father`s mother-in-law. A woman must have a legal mahram (sharee`ah legal) (male escort) before she can embark on a trip. Without Mahram [more…] Therefore, the list of mahrams by marriage includes: A non-mahram (also known as a “ghayr mahram”) refers to a woman or man who is allowed to marry a person during his or her lifetime, or someone who is temporarily forbidden to them, such as a man`s brother or a woman`s sister. Moreover, if a man tries to marry a non-Mahram woman, she automatically becomes a Mahram since she is now his wife. ASSALAAM ALAIKUM. The father-in-law is considered mahram bil hukmi, which means that he is mahram because of the Nikaah made by his son. The following strict rules apply.

1: The father-in-law should never sit alone with his daughter-in-law. EITHER the son/husband/daughter/mother-in-law (his wife) must be present. He is also not allowed to travel alone with her. As for his revelation, it refers strictly to his head, face, hands and feet. In the presence of the above-mentioned family. And Allah knows better. A woman could have many mahrams through Rada`ah. Allah SWT in the Holy Quran says: “And (forbids you in marriage) your adoptive mothers and nurses.” [Holy Quran, Surat al-Nisa, 23] Can my father-in-law see me without a hijab? And can my husband see my mother without her hijab? “Or did you witness when death approached Ya`qub (Jacob)? When he said to his sons, “What shall you worship after me?” They said, `We will worship your Ilah (God – Allah) the Ilah (God) of your fathers, Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac)…` [al-Baqarah 2:133].

Ismail was the paternal uncle of Ya`qub`s sons. Bottom line: The man`s father is a mahram to his son`s wife, so he can shake her hand and be alone with her and travel with her. See questions in: 5538, 20750 Mahram comes from the word “haram” and means something sacred or forbidden. In Islamic law, mahram means a person with whom they are not allowed to marry and whom they are allowed to see without a veil (hijab), shake their hands and hug them if they wish. Therefore, no mahram means one with whom haram should not marry, with a few exceptions. It also means looking at the hijab before a non-mahram. So who is your Mahram and non-Mahram? First of all, we have mahrams for blood. Your parents are Mahram to you. Your maternal and paternal grandparents are Mahram to you. Your aunts and uncles, grandparents and granduncles, etc. are also Mahram on your mother`s and father`s side. Your brothers and sisters are Mahram to you.

Your nieces and nephews are mahram to you too. If you have children, grandchildren, etc., they are also mahram to you. All this is considered your blood mahram. Someone can also become your mahram through marriage. When they marry, husband and wife become mahram to each other. When your children are married, your son-in-law and daughter-in-law become your mahram, your mother-in-law, your father-in-law and even your grandparents, you are your mahram.