Is It Legal to Shoot a Porcupine in New Hampshire

Protection. In New Hampshire, there are no restrictions on the removal of porcupines. Local firearms laws should continue to be consulted and monitored. “What about rat poison?” Starbranch said. “It can be used to kill a person. What if he has rats? I understand that he killed the porcupine to protect his dog. Objects that are always deadly are marked in the statutes. American fists can be used to hammer nails, but if you`re a criminal, it doesn`t matter because they`re on the list. Ordinary objects can be used to kill people.

How about a harpoon? (b) Any person who, before 1. January 1996 and continuously thereafter legally spotted turtles (Clemmys guttata), Blanding`s turtles (Emydoidea blandingii), forest turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) or Eastern box turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina), are allowed to own wild animals. The Possession Permit applies to turtles in possession and no replacement is permitted. • Gas cartridges, shooting and lethal trapping are legal ways to kill marmots. Porcupines are nearsighted and often move slowly. They are mainly nocturnal. Porcupines do not hibernate, but tend to stay close to their burrows in winter. They possess the ability to learn complex labyrinths and remember paths up to a hundred days later. This strange memory often increases the persistence of conflicts with humans, as porcupines find their way back to the site of agricultural crops long after a previous visit. 1995: Convicted of sexual assault on a child under the age of 13.

2003: Charged with possession of a deadly weapon after killing a porcupine on his property with a bow and arrow. November 6 The Supreme Court overturns the conviction for lethal weapons. (a) Any person who legally acquired and possessed wildlife under a valid permit in 1992 and thereafter without interruption, and such wildlife is now classified as prohibited or controlled, shall be permitted to possess such wildlife. Despite the popular myth, the porcupine does not throw and pull its spines. * NOTE: Although limited ownership of these species is currently legal in New Hampshire, N.H. Department of Fisheries and Hunting people to let these wildlife go wild. Populations of some species, especially turtles, may be affected by the removal of a small number of individuals. New York Supreme Court on Thursday overturned the 2003 conviction of a Newmarket man for a criminal in possession of a deadly weapon. The charges were laid after he used a bow and arrow to kill a porcupine on his property. • Do not catch live animals or release them miles from home.

Although the idea of catching a wild animal and releasing it a few miles away sounds appealing, this practice actually makes the animal easy prey for predators or condemns the animal to a slow death by starvation. Wildlife cannot easily find adequate food, water, shelter and protection from predators in a new territory. Peaceful coexistence, habitat change, repellents, scare tactics, shooting (where the law is legal) or quick-kill traps are more humane ways to deal with pesky wildlife. In New Hampshire, there are no restrictions on the collection of marmots, porcupines, English sparrows, starlings, wild pigeons, squirrels and other rodents, which are not covered in this publication. All other birds not specifically covered in this summary are protected by New Hampshire or federal law and cannot be caught. For more information on wildlife and endangered wildlife, see the N.H. Wildlife Action Plan under c) Any person who legally possessed species that existed before 1.

June 2007 have been classified as uncontrolled and are now listed as controlled, receives a permit to own wild animals. The Possession Licence applies to wildlife that was in possession prior to June 1, 2007 and no replacement is permitted. The North American porcupine is found in New England, the Upper Midwest and western United States, as well as most of Canada. The back, flanks and tail of porcupines are covered with thousands of stiff, needle-shaped and finely pointed (prickly) hairs to defend themselves. Porcupines cannot “pull” their spines, but spines come out quite easily on contact. Porcupines have specific behaviors to warn of a predatory threat or to defend themselves. The porcupine has a distinct and strong smell, which is compared to the smell of the human body that it secretes when excited. They often use their teeth to emit a warning, a rattling sound. When threatened, the porcupine turns its back on the potential attacker, who is lined with hollow thorny thorns. An adult porcupine can contain 30,000 spines on its body (excluding the abdomen, face and feet). These quills are modified hairs that easily penetrate and nest in the skin of an attacker. Each spring contains microscopic barbs that provide additional support.

These barbs often cause continuous penetration of the spring with flexion of the muscle in which it is integrated. When the porcupine approaches, it can swing its tail against an attacker`s face. Do you have problems with porcupines? If you live in southern New Hampshire, we`re ready to help – contact Monadnock Pest & Wildlife today for a hassle-free inspection and estimate to help you move your resident porcupines! Eliminate artificial food sources (feed, compost, waste)raph –> Breeding habits: Pairwise binding style: polygamous. Males compete with each other for a female. Before the male breeds the female, he will spray her with urine splinters. Females raise the young. Caves: Porcupines seek refuge in hollow trees, tree stumps, logs, caves, ledges and abandoned buildings to escape the elements. Females give birth to a single porcupine baby in a cave lined with branches and roots.

Breeding dates: Mating in November and December. Pregnancy is a period of 205-217 days. Litter size: one, rarely two Time of birth: June Weaning dates: about 3 months. However, at the age of 14 days, a porcupine can survive on vegetation. At the age of 6 months, the porcupine is independent. Common harassment situations: Season: all year round. During different seasons, porcupines can cause different types of problems for an owner. During the winter, their food source is not as abundant, so their damage is easier to see. Some porcupines feed on the same tree for a week and can kill the tree. What are you doing? Some dogs can get too close to a porcupine and end up with quills on their face, the animal has only defended itself. In spring, when plants bud, porcupines may perceive landscaping as part of their diet.

Exposed wood on houses and sheds can be appetizing to the animal, especially if there is salt on/in the wood. In bad weather, the attic or barn can become a suitable place to seek shelter. Porcupines feed on the buds of a tree, including valuable fruit trees. A porcupine eats the fruits, plants and vegetables in your garden They are known to chew tool handles, garden hoses and tires. Although they are not natural, porcupines can eat pet food left outside Porcupines can end up in the trash from time to time if there are tempting odors Porcupines do not carry many diseases of concern to humans, with the exception of rabies. Legal status in New Hampshire: Unprotected. In New Hampshire, there are no restrictions on the removal of porcupines. Local firearms laws should continue to be consulted and monitored. Best practices: Remove artificial food sources (feed, compost, garbage) Secure garbage can lids with straps and wait until morning to dispose of garbage. Enclose compost piles in a box framed with a hardware cloth; in a sturdy container, such as a 55-gallon drum; or in a commercial composter.

Feed pets indoors and remove all food left outside before night Remove all fallen fruit in the garden Protect endangered plants and ornamentals Wrap the base of small trees with 1-inch poultry thread. Wind the wire 30 inches high to reduce power damage Fence gardens with hardware fabric or welded wire mesh. At the top of the fence, let out 8 inches at a 65-degree angle to prevent the porcupine from simply climbing. An electric wire can be woven through the top to be more efficient. Build the fence before the plants start growing, as porcupines don`t have the chance to establish the garden as a food source. A starting device, the Critter grille®, combines siren and flashing light. It is triggered by a motion detector. The device changes model, so it should last longer than a fear device that does not change. Prevent trespassing into buildings Repair any holes in the siding, not just on the first floor, as porcupines are excellent climbers.

Close any windows and doors that may have been left open Cut down any trees that allow the porcupine access to the roof A half-inch hardware rag (or, better yet, welded wire mesh) or galvanized sheet metal can be used to protect holes, decks, or other vulnerable areas. To protect the area under a deck or porch, create an “L-shaped rat wall.” Attach the hardware fabric to the bottom of the deck. Next, bury the floor 6 to 12 inches deep, with a 12-inch shelf sticking out. Although porcupines don`t dig much, other animals may try to get in, also creating a trail for porcupines. Tie a 3-foot-wide metal band that flashes around shin height trees to prevent porcupines from climbing trees and feeding on trees.