Legal Advice for Cosmetic Surgery

So, can you sue a plastic surgeon for botched surgery? The answer is yes, but again only if negligence plays a role in this botched operation and can be proven. Cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries have different goals: one is used to improve the body and the other to restore it after damage. Cosmetic surgery focuses exclusively on improving the aesthetic appearance of the patient. Reconstructive surgery focuses on reconstructive or restorative procedures such as repairing burns. Often, both are summarized as “plastic surgery.” Plastic surgeons are able to perform aesthetic and reconstructive procedures. Not liking the results doesn`t necessarily mean medical malpractice, but patients have a reasonable expectation that their plastic surgeons will keep them safe before, during, and after every procedure or surgery. Healthcare professionals performing plastic and cosmetic surgeries have a responsibility to identify potential problems and use safety protocols to mitigate complications. Failure to do so amounts to medical negligence. Call us today at (215) 569-0900 and arrange for professional advice with our legal team. Examples of elective aesthetic plastic surgery include facelift, rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, and various others. Reconstructive or medically necessary plastic surgery includes skin grafts for burns, craniofacial surgery, and breast reconstruction after a mastectomy. The standard of medical care refers to the level of care that a plastic surgeon with a similar level of qualification would have provided in the same situation.

Would another surgeon have made the same mistake? If this is not the case, there is a violation of the norm.聽 Some of the most common injuries associated with cosmetic intervention neglect are: Just because you signed a consent form doesn`t mean you got informed consent. We deal with cosmetic surgery where patients have not been informed of all the significant risks, but have nevertheless signed a consent form confirming that they are. We often hear patients being asked to sign a consent form without understanding what it is, or feeling rushed and pressured. In the event of a problem, your eligibility to file a legal claim depends on a number of factors, including where you can make the claim, the time frame for doing so, and whether there is a right to compensation in that jurisdiction. To learn more about the time you have, you should talk to a malpractice attorney in Fort Lauderdale. They can inform you about exceptions to the statutes.聽 Plastic and aesthetic surgeons have different qualifications. Plastic surgeons need to learn a wide range of skills, while cosmetic surgeons specialize and spend more time than plastic surgeons learning skills specific to cosmetic surgery. Plastic and cosmetic surgeons may also be granted privileges to perform surgeries in hospitals, and it is important for patients to know which hospitals have granted privileges to their surgeon. The decision to undergo reconstructive or cosmetic procedures can be emotional for many people. A mistake during the procedure can lead to serious physical, emotional and financial difficulties. If your cosmetic or plastic surgery was poorly managed by a health care provider, you may be eligible for compensation.

To have a case of medical malpractice, it is necessary to note: malpractice often occurs when inexperienced doctors attempt to perform cosmetic or plastic surgeries for which they are not qualified. Injuries caused by malpractice during reconstruction or cosmetic procedures can lead to permanent disfigurement, disability, and even death. We have experience in representing patients who have suffered medical negligence during these procedures. Our office has a doctor who can evaluate your case to determine if your injury was caused by malpractice. Plastic and cosmetic surgeries aim to improve the appearance or function of the body. If a plastic or cosmetic surgeon or other medical professional involved in the procedure does not provide adequate care to patients, patients may suffer unnecessary injuries and have good reason to take legal action for medical malpractice. Reconstructive plastic surgery aims to restore normal function and appearance and often attempts to correct deformities caused by trauma or disease or even birth defects. These surgeries are considered medically necessary. Check the experience and qualifications of the person providing the treatmentYou must use a reputable and suitably qualified practitioner.

It is important to ensure that a surgeon is registered with the General Medical Council (GMC). The Royal College of Surgeons recommends choosing a surgeon listed in the GMC Professional Registry in the area of practice relevant to the procedure, as surgeons specialize in different types of cosmetic procedures. You should also check with the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) and the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), the leading registered institutions in the field, to see if your surgeon is actually qualified and has no open complaints. Ask him if he works for the NHS and in what position. Like most medical procedures, cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries are associated with serious health risks. Risks include: Although these procedures are considered safe, no medical surgery, no matter how minimally invasive, is not without risk. However, patients still have a reasonable expectation that they will not be injured or suffer serious injury if they choose cosmetic surgery. The types of complications that can arise from neglecting cosmetic surgery often include surgical errors, also known as “botched surgery.” These medical malpractices often occur due to procedural errors or when an inexperienced surgeon or an unqualified surgeon has performed the surgery.