Legal for Trade En Espanol

The law (Title VI of the Consumer Credit Protection Act) protects information collected by consumer credit reference agencies such as credit reference agencies, medical information companies, and tenant verification services. The information contained in a consumer report may not be shared with persons who do not have a purpose specified by law. Companies that provide information to consumer helplines also have specific legal obligations, including the obligation to investigate disputed information. In addition, users of the information for credit, insurance or employment purposes must notify the consumer if adverse action is taken on the basis of these reports. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act added many provisions to the Act, primarily with respect to record accuracy and identity theft. The Dodd-Frank Act transferred to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau most of the powers added to that Act by the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act and the Credit Card Act, but the Commission retains all of its enforcement powers. Score: 291. Correct: 291. Tiempo de respuesta: 178 ms. Busque más palabras en el diccionario español-portugués.