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Legal Issues with Nurse Burnout

Circumstances associated with moral problems and moral stress may be encountered by informal caregivers in their daily work, as well as in situations of questionable professional practices; therapeutic toughness; unequal distribution of resources (4 and 5); work overload; and when their opinions are not taken into account in decision-making, as employees develop feelings of frustration and helplessness due to the difficulty of influencing their working conditions(6). Looking at the questions presented, we can say that caregiver confrontations are relevant and necessary to maintain professional development, so that they feel respected, valued and stimulated in their work environment and, as evaluated, can have a positive impact on the lives of their patients. In addition, it is possible to observe that among the results presented, there is a perceived consistency, through the experiences of caregivers in relation to their actions, which can influence the occurrence of moral stress and burnout. It has been perceived that when workers express professional fulfillment, i.e. they feel that their expectations of work, needs and values are being realized, they offer fewer opportunities to develop moral stress and burnout, as opposed to therapeutic persistence, where a devaluation of their knowledge and values seems to occur. increasing the possibility of emotional stress and burnout. Using Pearson`s correlation analysis, the objective was to examine the relationship between emotional burden and burnout variables and to determine whether change in one variable could be associated with change in another. The association between moral distress and burnout has been observed to be significant (at 5%) and positive, although small, almost imperceptible(16), as summarized in Table 1. One of the tasks of a nurse is to monitor patients. If something changes, the nurse must inform the doctor on call.

If they don`t notice the change, if a competent nurse in the same situation would, it can lead to misconduct. Understaffed hospitals have nurses who can`t spend enough time with each patient. Nurses are faced with a greater workload and responsibility when a hospital is not fully staffed. Often, they have no choice but to rush from patient to patient. You should also consider patient information and the medical history of several patients at once. Mistakes happen more often when too many things are placed on a nurse`s plate. Most of the time, it is the surgical nurse`s responsibility to count every sponge she opens and places in the patient. When the procedure is complete, they count the sponges that have come out and inform the doctor if the numbers do not match. Nursing burnout is a major problem for everyone involved: nurses, employers and patients. Nurses themselves are at risk of developing depressive disorders and other mental illnesses and leaving their jobs.

For institutions, a decrease in the quality of patient care can affect their reputation and results. For patients, nurse burnout can have a direct impact on their health. No job is stress-free. However, because nurse clinicians work in an inherently highly stressful environment and make decisions that can impact patients` lives, they must be extra careful to avoid the mental and physical condition known as “burnout.” This article describes what nursing burnout is, what dangers it poses, how to prevent it, and how to deal with it when it happens to you. Nurses who are not aware of these legal issues can face significant consequences. While the impact varies considerably depending on the allegations, nurses may face the following: Nurses have direct and frequent access to patients` personal health information and have a responsibility to protect it. Patients have a right to privacy and expect to be deprived of it. Any unauthorized disclosure or disclosure of patient identification information is illegal under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Nurses may refrain from openly discussing patient care – orally or in writing – with those who are not entitled to access it.

This includes maintaining confidentiality in the presence of other nursing colleagues and health care providers. The battery is the abusive or harmful contact of any person without their express or implied consent. Many care tasks, such as administering medication or assisting a patient in the toilet, require proximity or physical contact with a patient. It is essential to know what the battery is and to ensure that you have obtained the necessary consent to perform your duties, as patients have the right to refuse help and treatment. Defamation generally involves presenting false or accusatory statements as facts that may damage a person`s reputation or character. There are two forms of defamation: defamation, which involves written explanations, and defamation, which is pronounced. An example of defamation is when a nurse posts derogatory comments about her supervisor on social media. Participation in gossip, where false claims about employees could circulate, is an example of defamation. Although the models presented were not significant, some correlations between the dimensions of moral distress and burnout were observed. In analyzing the influence of the dimensions of moral burden on burnout, it was found that therapeutic toughness represents a level of importance very close to the acceptable, which is consistent with some approximations between the two phenomena already highlighted in the literature, which concern the provision of futile care and the non-performance of the nurse as an advocate for patients.

With respect to the dimensions of burnout associated with moral distress, a significant negative association between professional development and moral distress was found, that is, with an increase in professional fulfillment, there is a decrease in the perception of moral distress. Joint efforts must be made between employers and nurses to avoid the risk of fatigue. ANA encourages employers to establish policies and procedures to promote healthy work schedules and models that do not exceed the boundaries of patient care and safety.3 Extended work hours, rotating shifts and inadequate breaks have been shown to slow reaction time. reduce attention to detail, promote mistakes, impair problem-solving skills, and decrease motivation.1 Ethics help caregivers make the right decisions under the guidance of their morality. However, due to severe staff shortages, nurses may be consistently dissatisfied with their work. Most hospitals are responding to increasing patient demands by paying overtime for caregivers.