You can usually apply for your marriage license at any county office in the state where you want to get married. Some states require you to apply to the county office where you want to get married. Most states charge a small fee, and it usually takes a few days to get your marriage license. Also, most marriage licenses are only valid for a certain number of days. You must therefore celebrate the marriage and sign the marriage certificate before it expires. Marital status: People who are already married, even with legal separation, cannot marry until they are officially divorced. Age: Most states require both parties to be 18 years of age or older to marry. Some states allow minors over a certain age to marry with the consent of their parents and/or the court. Minors in these states are often not allowed to marry adults over the age of three or four to prevent minors from entering into predatory marriages.
While the ceremony and celebration are the most memorable parts of a wedding, if you want it to be legal, the most important part is signing the marriage certificate. This document legally binds you both – and plays an important role if you`re considering changing your name. Obtaining a marriage certificate and then a marriage certificate is a multi-step process. If you haven`t decided to change your name yet, make sure you know the wedding day so that your married name on your marriage licenses matches the new name you want. The first thing you need to do is decide when and where you are going to get married. This is important because you will need to apply for a marriage license in the county where you will be getting married. On the other hand, you also can`t wait until the last minute. According to Hanes, “There are usually a few days of waiting between filing and receiving your license. You need to submit at least a week before your wedding to make sure everything works.
“In Texas, for example, you have to wait at least 72 hours before getting married after you apply for a marriage license to get married, which means that if you postpone that until two or three days before the wedding, the license would not be valid. The couple – You and your partner will sign as soon as the wedding is over. Keep in mind that if your marriage certificate has a specific field for a married name, make sure you use the new surname you want. Minors aged 16 and 17 must submit to the Registry of Documents a written consent to marriage signed by a parent with sole or joint custody or by a person, agency or institution that has custody of the minor or acts as legal guardian of the minor. When you apply for a marriage certificate, a piece of current photo identification, such as a driver`s license or passport; proof of nationality and/or residence; a birth certificate showing your age; proof of parental and/or judicial consent in the case of minors; a death certificate if you are a widower or a divorce decree if you are divorced; and sometimes blood test results. The marriage certificate must be issued before the marriage. North Carolina does not have a prescribed waiting period between the issuance of the marriage certificate and the marriage. A marriage certificate expires after 60 days if the marriage did not take place, and applicants must reapply if the marriage does not take place within 60 days.
How much does a marriage certificate cost? Costs vary from county to county. Most range from $25 to $125. Many states have eliminated mandatory premarital physical exams or blood tests, but some still require blood tests for STDs, and some also test for rubella, sickle cell anemia and tuberculosis. There are no mandatory HIV/AIDS tests, but most states require applicants to be offered such tests or information at testing sites. You can obtain a copy of your marriage certificate by purchasing a certified copy from the office of the county clerk that issued your marriage licence. Fees typically range from $5 to $20 per copy. The National Center for Health Statistics (a division of the CDC) has set up a helpful page to make it easier to get a certified copy – link here. IMPORTANT: If you plan to change your last name (and/or middle name) after marriage, ask your office if your desired new middle name and last name will be accepted by your state after marriage. For example, you can take your spouse`s last name and delete your last name, move your last name to your middle name and take your spouse`s last name, separate your last name by combining your last name with your spouse`s, or you can combine your two surnames to create an entirely new surname (few states allow this option). And of course, you can`t do anything and keep your current name. Before you go, check your state`s expiration date to make sure your marriage license doesn`t expire before your wedding and you know what to bring. Of course, the couple must be present at the time of signing the marriage certificate after the ceremony.
It is best to take care of it early, before the party starts and the drinks flow. This is a wedding detail you don`t want to forget. Now that you have the municipality (city, district, county, etc.) Knowing your marriage, it`s time to figure out how to get a marriage license and where to go. Where can I get a marriage certificate? You must apply for a marriage certificate at the county clerk`s office where the marriage is to take place. Yes. Prenuptial agreements are legal and enforceable as long as all legal requirements are met. Prenuptial agreements can be used to determine property and inheritance rights and to modify or eliminate the spouse`s right to maintenance when the marriage ends. Proof of dissolution of previous marriages by death or judgment. Typically, couples receive a marriage certificate, hold the wedding ceremony, and ask the officer to submit the certificate to the relevant district office within a few days. The couple will then receive a certified copy of the marriage certificate. The officiant – Your officiant celebrating your marriage must sign the permit. There will be an area on the license where they can sign and indicate their title or ordination.
Couples who marry in North Carolina must obtain a marriage license before marriage. If your marriage will take place in North Carolina, you can obtain a marriage certificate from the Registry of Deeds in any county in the state. Typically, both partners must go to the Registry of Deeds office, although some counties allow online submission of applications before going to the office to save time. Applicants for a marriage certificate must pay a fee and complete a form indicating their name, age, marital status and intention to marry. Minors aged 14 and 15 must take legal action if they wish to marry. This option is only available in cases of pregnancy or teenage parenting. A guardian must be appointed to give an opinion on whether the marriage is in the best interests of the 14- or 15-year-old child, and the court must also take into account the views of his or her parents. The judge must decide whether the minor is willing to assume responsibility for the marriage. A copy of the complaint form required to file the file can be found here.
To be valid, the marriage contract must be written and signed by both parties before the marriage. A marriage contract cannot limit the amount of support a child would otherwise receive. Anyone who has performed your ceremony legally, whether it`s a judge, religious leader, or friend ordained for the day, must also sign the license. There will be a line where they can sign their name and indicate their title or ordination. But note: there are some states (Colorado, Wisconsin, the District of Columbia, and parts of Pennsylvania) where you can get together or celebrate your marriage, which means not only does the official not have to sign your marriage certificate, but you don`t need to have one at all. In other states, it is the agent`s responsibility to ensure that the license is registered with the county where you married.