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Ponedjeljak, 3 ožujka, 2025

Marco Legal De La Practica De La Lactancia Materna

The practice of breastfeeding is a right[2] contained in the following international declarations: working mothers and their children cannot limit themselves to continuing breastfeeding from the seventh month if this is not the case; On the contrary, the well-being of breastfed babies must be guaranteed at all times. After great progress in the promotion and promotion of breastfeeding in Mexico over the past three years, it has risen from 14.4% to 30.8%, according to UNICEF. Section A and Section V of Article 123 of the Constitution stipulate that women have two extraordinary breaks per day of half an hour each during breastfeeding. Breastfeeding does not leave an ecological footprint. Breast milk is a renewable resource and is produced by mothers and consumed by babies without pollution, packaging or waste. In our country, breastfeeding as a policy ensures legal security for infants so that they can enjoy this right in the workplace within the framework of respect, tolerance and healthy rest, hygiene and health. The International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes provides guidelines to prevent the inappropriate marketing of breast-milk substitutes, including infant formula, baby bottles, teats, follow-up milks and related products. It must be regulated and controlled by law. If manufacturers and distributors break this rule, they should be sanctioned. When a baby is born, emotional and nutritional protection must be ensured, with breastfeeding being the perfect combination to achieve both. Breastfeeding as a universal right of infants and newborns currently leads to the need to create healthy and safe spaces that allow this activity to be developed in an orderly and dignified manner and to preserve access to health as a human right recognized in Article 76 of the XVI Constitutional Group, the development, protection and further implementation of measures to improve breastfeeding rooms in the workplace, which have succeeded in changing the lives of thousands of people to date. Similarly, article 170 of the Federal Labour Code establishes the rights of all working mothers, in which section IV emphasizes that during breastfeeding, up to a maximum of six months, they have two extraordinary rest periods per day of half an hour each in order to ensure that 31% of babies are fed exclusively with breast milk for the first 6 months.

of life. 45.8% of children receive continuous SCI until the first year of life and only 24.4% until the age of two (ENIM2015). Based on the analysis of the previous article, it is determined that you are entitled to two half-hour delays for manual collection of breast milk or that it can be changed for one hour before departure. In addition, companies were encouraged to provide hygienic spaces for the development of breastfeeding, as the space designated for years was the bathroom, which is far from being a suitable place for the expression of milk, which is used as food for the baby. Poor nutrition in the early stages of the life cycle can lead to significant and irreversible damage to physical growth and brain development. Instead, a good diet has a positive effect. Breastfeeding is the optimal way to feed babies, provide them with the nutrients they need in the right balance, and protect them from disease. According to UNICEF data and studies, the multiple benefits of breastfeeding are: PAHO provides technical assistance to countries for the implementation of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative at the national level, reports on the follow-up to the International Code, and develops strategies to support best practices in child nutrition. to support the implementation of PAHO`s Action Plan for the Prevention of Obesity in Children and Adolescents; whose first strategic area of action is “protection, promotion and support of optimal breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices”. Countries in the Region partially or fully implement legislation implementing the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes. Unfortunately, what is mentioned in the previous article limits and threatens the well-being of children by not having a formulation according to the benefits they talk about during the practice of breastfeeding, which is so exclusive in the first six months of life and complementary up to two years or more. It is still a reality that, despite legislative reforms, it is still a right subject to the approval of the boss or direct boss and not to respect for a human right.

Similarly, requiring States to integrate breastfeeding programmes, as well as defining laws that protect the right of working women to breastfeed, are rights contained in various provisions, among which the following stand out: According to ENSANUT 2012, only 1 in 10 working women breastfeeds their baby. The period of greatest reduction in exclusive breastfeeding is between 2 and 4 months, as many women return to work during this period. Breastfeeding supports in the workplace increase employee retention, performance, loyalty, productivity and team spirit. “If there was a new vaccine that prevented 1 million or more child deaths a year, and was cheap, safe, orally administered and did not require a cold chain, it would be a compelling public health policy. Breastfeeding can do this and more. “Reaping the health and economic benefits of breastfeeding requires investment in its protection, promotion and support. The Breastfeeding Advocacy Initiative, led by UNICEF and the World Health Organization, in collaboration with other partners, calls on governments, donors and development partners to: Undoubtedly, the practice of breastfeeding children is a fact of crucial importance, but these working mothers face a major challenge due to the constant separation of their children. For this reason, the Mexican State has fought to give legal certainty to this practice in order to create the time and space necessary for the continuation of breastfeeding.