Search: `lower court` in Oxford Reference » When I was in Portugal, there was the Court of Justice of the Inquisition. He added: “People say he deserves his day in court. Do we have enough time? Cassandra, whose hair has already begun to fall out from her court-ordered chemotherapy, could face a similar outcome. to put it better, “subordinate” courts. They are often staffed by part-time judges who do not necessarily have legal training. They deal with small civil cases with small amounts of money, such as collecting bills, and small criminal cases with light sentences. In addition to the final disposition of minors…n It also notes that the High Court is practically non-existent and that there is therefore no high court before which justice could be sought. René le Pays, a French poet, died; Known at court for its various. M`Bongo and his entire farm are now, I am happy to say, at least to some extent clothed. In the courtyard of the hotel stood the Car, which had come about twenty minutes before us.
From: lower court in Australian Law Dictionary » If there is no court decision that changes our law, all is well. The court ruled that she lacked the maturity to make her own medical decisions. Our editors will review what you have submitted and decide if the article needs to be revised. On December 30, she filed a similar lawsuit in Washington Superior Court.