Nfu Legal Advice Line

Prince Edward Island Legal Aid: Provides legal representation and support to low-income individuals with legal needs in the areas of criminal justice, juvenile justice, family and civil law. New Brunswick Legal Aid Services Commission: CCTANB provides legal aid to low-income individuals for specific family and criminal matters. 24/7 mental health crisis support, toll-free line if you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis. Farm Family Support Centre: Farmers and their families are entitled to up to 3 hours of free service. Professional help related to mental health, relationships, finances or law. What can be achieved in 20 minutes? We often ask questions that have quick and definitive answers that can be answered in 20 minutes. For example, during the recent storms, we received many calls about the responsibility for maintaining fences and damaged by falling trees. Often, the appellant was asked to pay for the damage or wanted to understand who was responsible for the damage at his border. By calling the helpline, they could quickly get an answer that made them feel comfortable or confident when responding to requests for money. 211 Alberta: 24-hour service with information for social and community services, including psychological, financial and legal resources. LAS provides financial assistance and professional advice to its subscribers who are facing litigation related to their farming and/or growing business. TeleCare 811: Free and confidential health advice and information management.

Talk to registered nurses 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is a charge for services. Home / News and Insights / NFU Scotland Legal Helpline – we CAN help The Commission des services juridiques is the authority responsible for the application of the Legal Aid Act and the provision of certain other legal services in Québec. They shall grant legal aid to any person entitled who applies for it. PLEA (Public Legal Education Association of Saskatchewan): Provides legal information and education. Pro Bono Ontario: A legal helpline that helps connect volunteer lawyers with those who can`t afford a lawyer. Can help with employment, accommodation, powers of attorney or lawyers or corporate law. Your Brocure is here.

CHIMO Helpline: 24/7 crisis phone, 365. They provide an open ear, useful information and references to resources. Services are bilingual. Nova Scotia Mental Health Crisis Line: A 24/7 crisis line available to anyone in or worried about a mental health crisis. Telephone: 1-888-660-7788 Email: 811 HealthLine: 811 is a confidential, toll-free telephone line available to all residents of Newfoundland and Labrador 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Resources for counselling, financial, legal and self-help groups. *Financial support is at the discretion of the Legal Counsel and the LAS team. Each case is decided on its facts and legal merits. Costs incurred prior to NFU notification are not eligible. Report of the Special Standing Committee of the Government of Canada: The 2019 report “Mental Health: A Priority for Our Farmers” contains 10 recommendations for attention. FAMILY SUPPORT INSTITUTE: Support for families with a family member with a disability. Communication by phone, email, text or video conference online.

The Scottish Government has set up this new helpline for citizens identified as vulnerable. It automatically connects callers to their local authority, helping them access services such as essential food and medicine, social work services, emotional support, and contact with local volunteer groups. The helpline operates daily from 09:00 to 17:00. BRITISH COLUMBIA CRISIS CENTRE: 24/7 mental health support. Services for teens and adults, online chat and phone options. Anyone with questions about the impact of COVID-19 can contact the Scottish Government`s helpline. The helpline is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Callers must select the first option to speak to the COVID-19 team. However, the quality of any contract depends on its draft, and given the potential cost of dispute resolution, it is important that you understand your rights and obligations under the contract and are happy that it achieves what was agreed. For NFU members alone (which cover about two-thirds of the country`s farmland), the cost of resolving contractual disputes in 2015/2016 was just under £700,000. While there are always disagreements, a significant portion of this number could likely be reduced if the parties had sought professional advice before entering into the contracts. NFU Scotland members are entitled to 20 minutes of FREE advice from our dedicated helpline run by Gillespie MacAndrew. Please call 0131 271 8585 for assistance and have your membership number handy. Or contact them online via: The NFU Legal Assistance Scheme (LAS) is a discretionary internal benefits plan managed by a team of lawyers. It provides NFU Farmer & Grower members with professional advice and financial support for legal fees and other professional expenses in case you are faced with a dispute related to your farm or crop operation. It is therefore strongly recommended to seek professional advice on the form and content of any contract you wish to conclude before it becomes binding. In addition to ensuring that your objectives are achieved through the contract, any consultation should confirm whether there are potentially onerous clauses in the contract that simply need clarification or perhaps even more serious, need to be modified or renegotiated. Healthline: Confidential 24-hour health information and support service.

HealthLine can also provide support for mental health and addictions. Read Healthline`s Farm Family Stress brochure for more information. Central Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) website: Health Canada up-to-date information, overviews, updates, tips, testing information across Canada. We provide comprehensive business, tax and succession advice to rural businesses. Finally, the helpline can help avoid harmless mistakes. For example, if you are a landlord or tenant involved in a farm lease, there are many small technical points that can trip you up with potentially catastrophic and costly consequences. Calling the helpline can be your first step in taking a proactive approach to making sure what you thought you agreed to was reflected in the legal situation. The NFU Scotland helpline is there for nagging thoughts in the back of your mind that you have ignored or for questions that you have dealt with. For medical advice and information when your GP is closed. For medical emergencies, call 999 and let them know you have symptoms of COVID-19. Mental Health Helpline: 24/7, confidential and anonymous support for individuals experiencing individual, family or community crises. They also provide information on mental health programs and services.

Legal Aid Alberta: Provides affordable legal services in the areas of family law, domestic violence, child welfare, immigration, and youth and adult criminal defence. The NFU Scotland Legal Helpline is a service run by Gillespie Macandrew that provides NFU Scotland members with 20 minutes of free legal advice. Each call is answered by a member of the Lands and Rural Business team and then forwarded to the appropriate department within Gillespie Macandrew, who can then provide specific advice to the caller. LEGAL AID ONTARIO: Provides services in criminal law, domestic violence, family law, mental health and immigration. Talk4Healing: is a culturally robust and highly confidential helpline for Native American women, available in 14 languages across Ontario. The Island Helpline: Free, 24/7 paid and confidential helpline. “There are not many places to turn to for advice, support and help for farmers. We have found that the LAS team includes a close-knit family business that is going through a legal crisis. If you are a member of NFU Scotland, we recommend using the NFU Scotland Helpline as your first point of contact if you are faced with a legal question to which you do not know the answer.

Please call 0131 271 8585 and have your NFU Scotland membership number handy. There is also a tendency to accept these terms and phrases that seem to be just “legalese”, but if there is any doubt about what this might mean, it is best to get professional advice on how to calm down. Because if they had no effect, they would not be in the Treaty. The helpline isn`t just for small questions, it can be useful as a first step on the way to solving a complex problem. In the past, we have received calls from relatives after a recent death. It is obvious that 20 minutes of telephone legal advice is simply not enough in such a situation. However, there is enough time to give the appellant a roadmap on the upcoming process, the first steps they can take before seeking additional legal help, and who to contact first. Through clear and simple steps, it can give the caller peace of mind during a very emotional and stressful time. FAS offers 30 minutes of free advice through its advice line and helps companies create detailed resilience plans.

For more information, visit: Legal Aid Manitoba: Provides free or affordable legal services to low-income adults, youth and public interest groups. Apply online. Health and Wellness Ontario: Resources for health services and counselling, including help with addictions and mental illness. We provide comprehensive legal and tax advice to farmers, land managers and rural landowners and are a leading advisor to the industry.