Stupid Ny Laws

Repealing laws is no small feat. In fact, some may say that it is much easier to create a law than to repeal it. Regardless, the fact that there are many, many old laws in books today that are obsolete today is important, meaning they have no bearing on how we live today. In fact, there are many laws today that were based solely on superstition and had nothing to do with facts. To give you an idea, let`s now take a look at some of the strangest laws in the books of the great state of New York. Here`s one for New York`s list of strange laws. For those who believe in lasting entertainment, putting a puppet on your hand and playing with it in your window seemed like a good replacement for the old Zenith TV. Unfortunately, this was not the case. It turns out there are a lot more savage laws we couldn`t talk about, so we compiled a list of ten other bizarre laws that still exist in New York, according to Money Inc.`s article on the subject. There is nothing that people like (or despise) more than a strange and completely random law. If we are completely honest, life is more fun. Take, for example, my weekend with my husband in North Carolina, where it`s completely illegal to sing off-screen. Every time we sat in the car and a good song was played, I sang and felt like a rebel until the end, because I knew I couldn`t carry a melody to save my life.

It really made us laugh hysterically because we knew we could be arrested for singing at any time and taken straight to jail. But seriously, even states like New York have completely random, bizarre, and hilarious laws, and we can`t help but laugh. Read on to learn the strangest laws in New York State. Thanks for reading our list of New York`s strange laws. As strange as it may seem, the habit of making a law and removing it from books when it is no longer relevant is a difficult cookie to manipulate. No matter how stupid one of these laws is, there may have been a good reason to make them. However, times are changing and many laws are becoming obsolete. You can read more of these incredibly stupid laws from New York State under You know the ones I`m talking about: laws that prohibit murder, drunk driving, parking in front of fire hydrants, and others are prudent and help maintain order in society. When someone breaks any of these laws, the usual reaction is, “Really?” Yes, these ten stupid laws are still in effect in New York City, so watch yourself before you get on an elevator, wear a tight shirt, or decide to put an ice cream cone in your bag. Believe it or not, every state has its own weird rules.

Since we do not know where these laws come from, it is important to know that they exist. If you`re a resident of upstate New York, there`s a list of pretty crazy and weird laws that stand up in court. It is very possible that you have already violated one or more of these laws, but do not worry. We`re not going to tell anyone. Be careful in the future! You must fulfill your civic duties as a resident of New York and act as a law-abiding citizen. Below is a list to make sure you don`t break another stupid law. So, if you think your last ticket was unfair and unjustified, check out some unknown laws you can get a ticket for or stop in New York State. Here in upstate New York, there are strange, crazy, ridiculous laws that some people probably break all the time. If I look at some of them, I have certainly broken at least two or three. Everywhere, men break this law and the fashion police will get them at any time, won`t they? I mean, mismatched pants and jackets are such a crime. I don`t understand why so many men bother to go out in public like this; This is abhorrent and the death penalty should be considered. The death of fashion, that is.

Seriously, there are laws on fashion that are much more important than this and should be enforced. Like wearing the right size. Living on Long Island is not only a privilege, but the people of Long Island must follow the rules if they want to enjoy our island. We are of course part of New York State, so there are a lot of laws to follow. Then there are the other laws. These are often outdated, absurd and seem to have been introduced due to a single incident that probably dates back centuries. They were ratified anyway, and often most people even forget that they exist. I wonder when someone was last convicted of breaking one of these laws? If so, I would like to talk to them. While this is a list of crazy/strange laws, it`s another law that doesn`t stray out of line. The number “25” seems very accurate, but this amount of balloons could seriously harm wildlife and certainly counts as garbage. The law states: “No person shall knowingly throw a ball or intentionally throw it outside.

For the purposes of this section, “balloon” means a flexible, non-porous bag made of materials such as rubber, latex, polychloroprene or nylon containing helium, hydrogen, nitrous oxide, oxygen, air or water. It is recommended that you reconsider the idea of gender disclosure party before you end up with a hefty fine! I`m sure a lot of people have heard of laws they can`t believe are in the books or ever have been. Do you know of any other strange or unique laws in Long Island and New York? Let us know and we`ll add them to this page! We did some research and an article from Money Inc. that broke some of these bizarre laws that are still in effect in the great state of New York. We looked at some of the most memorable, including laws on how to hold a hose in your lawn, how not to treat pigeons, and much, much more. You have to go back a long way, when certain laws were included in the books to understand why they are laws in the first place. New York State was a very different place 100 or 200 years ago and some laws fall through the cracks – meaning they`re not enforced and/or they`re so ridiculous they just aren`t.